The Pirate Bay

pirate-bay-logosWe all love to get full access to anything especially if it is free am I right? We love to have the kind of control to just get online and download anything we want. We are also getting used to on demand services that apps provide, limo service, catering services, and food delivery service.

We like to make sure everything is safe and whatever we download doesn’t harm our electronic device. But what if you get online to download a movie or some music and the site is just gone, or experiencing major problems. That is what a lot of individuals are facing right now with the famous well known site “The Pirate-bay.”

We all know about Pirate-bay and what they have been doing for all of us. But now there are changes that are being made and we all just have to wait and see what will happen.


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Does Privacy Exist Anymore?

lg-878843_1280We all like to think that once we lock our phones and set our pin numbers our privacy is guaranteed, that is not the case. To unlock anything you will need the pin number correct? not the case. Strangers should not be able to see any kind of data, or any kind of personal information you may have stored.

Sadly this is a fact of life, your personal info is not exactly 100% safe. There has been an issue going around effecting not only individuals but business owners as well. Folks have had their info tampered with. A CEO of a Toledo Tow Truck Company had his whole schedule and inventory info deleted away and a private catering company even reported they might have had some sensitive info deleted as well.


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Hackers & Malware

background-848456_1280I wanted to follow up the previous post with a focus on hackers and how they effect our everyday lives. In my opinion there is no such thing as privacy anymore online. Once you input your info online it is pretty much in the hands of the cyber world, at your own risk. Lives have been destroyed and families torn apart.

Its pretty much a reality of who and what we are as a society, online hacking cowboys. In the wake of the Ashley Madison debacle many things have been brought to light. The real question is how safe is your information online? Successful individuals from caterers to innocent Limousine owners, Teachers, Doctors and many other folks in thousands of professions have been compromised.

The only way from preventing this from happening again to people is simple, educate them!


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The Ashley Madison Breach

hack-813290_1280I felt it was important to discuss the current situation going on with the Ashley Madison website customer data exposure. You may have some friends that could be effected by the “data dump” of these so called “morals and principle” hackers. One of my friends who helped me setup our website Paul Maddalena runs a highly renowned and successful Digital Marketing Agency. He helped me better understand web security as my knowledge on the subject is limited.

Ultimately if a hacker really wants to cause some service interruption on your website there is a good chance they will find a way to do that. The key is not to become a target for hackers in the first place, but if it happens there are steps you can take to better protect yourself and your clients information.


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